Two papers presented at the Wind Energy Science Conference (WESC) in Cork, Ireland

The WESC 2019 conference was held in Cork from June 17 to June 20, 2019. The Wind Energy Science Conference is a biennial event organized by the European Academy of Wind Energy.  Wind Energy scientists and engineers gather at this conference to present their latest findings and discuss the challenges which they have faced with a multi-disciplinary community. The conference covers all scientific topics in Wind Energy.

In this version of the WESC conference, the following two papers related to the project FONDEF ID17I10140 were presented:

1. “Damage diagnosis and prognosis of wind turbine blades using Bayesian filtering” by Francisco Jaramillo, Rodrigo Astroza, Marcos Orchard, Jose Abell, and Marcelo Guarini and presented at the Mini-Symposium Wind Turbine Health Prognosis.

2. “Vibration-based damage identification of wind turbine blades”, by Jose Martin Gutiérrez (former undergraduate student), Rodrigo Astroza, Francisco Jaramillo, Marcos Orchard, Jose Abell, and Marcelo Guarini and presented at the Mini-Symposium Structural Health Monitoring.